Joel Osteen's Mom_Dodie Healing Testimony From Metastatic Cancer of the Liver
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All products, sermons, teachings, exhortations, prophecies, and materials used therein whether offered free of charge or sold,
including key phrases and titles originated and "coined" within the teachings of Dr. Don G. Pickney, and outlines, pamphlets, emails, pictures, audio and video, mechanically or digitally produced or reproduced by anyone in any manner during or resulting from a live service or performance, become and are the property of Dr. Don G Pickney and Don Pickney Ministries,
and may not be used or infringed upon by any outside entity without express permission in writing by Dr. Don G. Pickney.
References to any statements, key phrases clearly originated within Dr. Pickney's teachings, and in obvious fashion attributed to him, may only be used in any published materials, provided it is by written permission and providing acknowledgment of Dr. Don G. Pickney is clearly stated as to the origin of said materials.